
Before binding your WhatsApp number to chatalog, you must first have:

1. a personal Facebook account;

2. a qualified mobile phone number;

3. document that proves the legitimacy of your enterprise or organization

If you fulfill the above requirements, you can create or select a Meta Business account, WhatsApp Business account (WABA), verify your phone number for WhatsApp Business API. After creating the account, you will need to conduct Business Verification for your Meta Business account. The following guide will illustrate how to get your account eligible for connection and sign up step-by-step.

Step 1. Register a chatalog account

Sign up your chatalog account by clicking "Sign up with Email".

After finishing registration, login to your account and click "Connect" and select WhatsApp platform to register your WhatsApp number.

Step 2. WhatsApp Business API Sign Up

As the Facebook window popup, click "Continue as".

Click "Get Started".

Click "Continue".

You can create or select a Meta Business Account. And then click "Continue".

If you create a new Meta Business Account, you need to fill in Legal Business Name, Business Phone Number and Company Website. Please note that the information provided here is for verifying your business. You need to provide document to prove its legitimacy afterwards to fully access WhatsApp Business API features. The name and phone number here may not be equal to your Whatsapp Business account name and phone number. Click "Continue" after filling in.

Decide your WhatsApp Business account name. Select the time zone. Then click "Continue.

Fill in WhatsApp Business display name. If your display name is different with the legal business name, you can select "My display name and legal business name are different" and rename it. Please make sure to adhere to WhatsApp Business Display Name Guideline as below:

Fill in the website and continue.

Select the business type of your WhatsApp Business account, and then fill in description. Please note that the information filled in here is viewable in your WhatsApp profile. Continue when you finish.

Select or Create a set of WhatsApp Business number. Use text or audio message to verify you own the telephone number.

Make sure your phone number is eligible according to WhatsApp's requirements. Refer to the following document:

Please note that if you have created a WhatsApp Business App Account or used other WhatsApp API services, you will see an error message as below. You need to disconnect to these services before proceed.

When you have finished the verification, you can select the number you have connected and name the inbox. Click "Connect" when you finish the configuration.

Step 3. Conduct Business Verification for your Facebook Page

Go to https://business.facebook.com/ . Select your page, and then click "Security Center", and then "Start Verification" to provide the documents required. Businesses that apply for business verification need to provide the following documents to prove their accounts belong to a legitimate enterprise or organization, in order to enable WhatsApp Business API.


If you are a registered business or organization, please provide one of the following:

  • Government-issued company or corporate registration.

  • Company tax revenue document (for example, a corporate tax return or tax-exempt certificate).

  • Official articles of incorporation or association.

Sole proprietors

If you are a registered sole proprietor and operate your business by yourself, please provide one of the document types listed below:

  • A government registration document. This document must confirm that you are a sole proprietor.

  • Company tax filing document.

If you are not a registered business or sole proprietor, please provide the requested ID below:

  • Proof of ID. This must be a valid government-issued identification document that includes a photograph, preferably a passport.

  • Proof of address. Note that your document must clearly show the address you registered with Facebook, must be in effect and must be no more than 6 months old. Acceptable proof can include your:

    • Utility bill.

    • Bank statement.

    • Credit card statement.

    • Company tax filings documents.

The ultimate right to verify a business lies with Facebook. Please refer to Facebook official guideline for more information.

Congratulations! You can start managing your customer relationship on Chatalog.ai !

Last updated