WhatsApp Business API Display Name Guideline

According to Meta, WhatsApp display name is displayed on your WhatsApp business profile and is what the customers see. The display name creates the certificate needed to establish a WhatsApp Business Platform account. WhatsApp has provided some clear formatting guidelines. It is important to adhere to these rules to get your display name approved.

Guidelines for WhatsApp Display Name

1.Comply with policies

The display name should comply with WhatsApp’s Commerce and Business policies, such as not infringing or violating the trademark or copyright of any third party. For instance, a good example of an acceptable display name for a business selling wine glasses would be “ABC Wine Glasses” instead of “ABC Wine”.

If you have different divisions within your business, they can have their own WhatsApp business accounts, as long as they comply with the policies.

2.Display Name must represent your Business Identity

Your WhatsApp display name needs to represent your business, its product, service, or department. If it is a test or demo account, it needs to have a clear association with your business, reflected in the display name (e.g. “Chatalog Test”).

WhatsApp will probably reject a Display Name if it is a person’s full name, a generic term (such as “Fashion”), a generic geographic location (like “Hong Kong”), a slogan, or a long description. Also, note that an organization affiliated with a government will need to get the WhatsApp team’s specific approval.

3. Be consistent with external branding

The display name you pick should be the same everywhere from external sources, such as on a company’s website or any other marketing sources. The name should be all the same as you used in the title on your official website, without adding extra emojis, symbols, or words, unless it is for indicating:

a country or region;

a department or function;

a test or demo account.

  • Accepted: Fresh Produce Cold Pressed Juices (how it is branded on your website).

  • Accepted: Fresh Produce Cold Pressed Juices Mexico.

  • Not accepted: Fresh Produce Juices (you changed branding by removing "Cold Pressed").

  • Not accepted: FP Cold Pressed Juices (you added an abbreviation to the company name inconsistent with external branding).

4. Show a clear relationship with your business

A display name must have a clear relationship with your business (must be referred on the business's website or external media references). This means, for example, a charity's name that is stated on the website of a nonprofit organization will be approved, but a charity's name that is not published on any other websites will not be eligible.

If the relationship between the business and the brand is not obvious, you should indicate it using “by [business name]”, such as “Fruit Snacks by Fresh Produce”.

If the display name represents a business that the company is working with (if the business is an agency, distributor, partner, or parent company), then the relationship between the business represented in the display name and end-client business must be evident and clear in both parties’ business websites.

5. Comply with formatting requirements

A display name should not contain all CAPITAL LETTERS. It must have grammatically correct capitalization, exactly the same as mentioned in your Business Name.

The spacing used in the display name should not differ from the spacing in the Business name. For example, If a Business named "Chatalog Store" uses the display name "Chat a log Store" then it won't get approved.

You shouldn't add any extra words to your brand's Display name unless they indicate country or region, department or function, or, Test or Demo accounts. For example, "Chatalog Hong Kong" or "Chatalog Customer Support" is acceptable but "Chatalog Official Account" isn't.

A display name must contain at least 3 characters. For example, for a Business named "HK Salon", the display name "HK Salon" is acceptable, but only "HK" isn't as "HK" has less than two characters.

A display name should not be in the URL Format. For example, "chatalog.ai" is not acceptable.

Last updated