User Management
In Users, you can view the max number of user, user status, manage users' roles and the team they belong to.
User has three roles, namely Owner, Admin and Agent. Owner is the first role that created the chatalog account, which has all permissions. Please find the role permission difference as below:
Owner | Admin | Agent | |
User Management | can view user list, edit user roles and teams | can view user list | can view user list |
Team Management | view, add, edit, delete any team | view all teams, edit or delete his/her own team | view all teams |
Messages | view all conversations, assign conversation to anyone | view all conversations, assign conversations to his/her own team members | view conversations currently or last assigned to his/her team |
Other Tabs | full access | full access | full access |
Please note that all admins and agents have their own team. If team is not necessary to you, please select Default Team that already exists. Admin and Agent under this team have the same permissions of any team created thereafter.
Last updated