Contact section manages all your contacts as well as the labels that attach to them for customer relationship management purpose.
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Contact section manages all your contacts as well as the labels that attach to them for customer relationship management purpose.
Last updated
You can view contacts across all your channels in "Your Contacts". Contacts include all users who have interacted with you through Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Web Widget, and other channels.
Select inbox: You can select an inbox to view its contacts.
Search contact: You can search for contacts by name.
Filter: You can use filters to display contacts with specific labels.
Delete: You can select and delete contacts.
Actions: You can create new contacts, add selected contacts to a contact list, or import/export contacts using the action drop-down menu.
Columns: You can customize the information displayed on the contact overview dashboard.
Click the view detail icon to see a contact's information.
On the contact info page, you can view the contact's name, labels, and past activities. For Instagram contacts, you can also see their user handle and profile link. Click the refresh button to update the contact's information, as Facebook and Instagram users can change their display names.